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Ashill School Policies

Our School Policies are available to download below.
Further Safeguarding documentation can be found on our Safeguarding Page.
Further SEND documentation can be found on our SEND Page.

Annual reports and Accounts can be found on the Trust Website

Trust -wide policies and statutory documents can be found on the Trust Website 

Paper copies are available on request.

Admissions Policy 25/26

Admissions Policy 24/26

Acceptable Use of IT Policy

Accessibility Plan

Anti-Bullying Policy

Attendance Policy

Behaviour Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy

Code of Conduct Policy

Complaints Policy

Data Protection Policy

Equality and Diversity Policy

Equalities Information & Objectives

Equalities Statement

Exclusion Policy

Expected Behaviour of Parents and Visitors

Food Allergy Policy

Freedom of Information Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Intimate Care Policy

Medication Policy

Mobile Phone Policy

Online Safety Policy

Privacy Notice Staff

Privacy Notice Students

Privacy Notice Visitors

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

SEND Glossary

SEND Report

Supporting Children with Medical Needs Policy

Uniform Policy

Volunteers Policy

Whistleblowing Policy

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