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All Trust schools are accountable to Academies of Character and Excellence (ACE) Board of Trustees who have overall responsibility for effective and appropriate systems of control. All our schools have their own dedicated Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC) or a Core Group. 

For further details Please click links below:


ACE Trust Board

ACE Governance Structure

Scheme of Delegation

Teaching & Learning Committee

Schools from the small school's hub (SSH) including; Ashill, Winsham and Hatch Beauchamp are working collaborativey and have joined together to create one Teaching and Learning Committee. 

The Teaching & Learning Committee plays a significant role in helping the school and the Trust achieve its core purpose of:

  • Delivering outstanding outcomes for all pupils

  • Supporting the effectiveness and impact of the schools’ provision for Social, Moral, Cultural and Spiritual purpose (SMSC)

  • Supporting the schools’ child protection and safeguarding policy

  • Monitoring attendance at school level

The committee will aim to meet termly, as a guide in September, January, March and June.  

Dates confirmed for 23-24 are as follows:

Tuesday 26th Sept. 2023

Tuesday 30th January 2024

Tuesday 26th March 2024

Tuesday 18th June 2024

Current committee members are: Mrs Lucy Whiffin - Chair, Dr Jason Biswas, Ms Emma Johns (head teacher), Mrs Allison Steemson, Mr Tim Harnett, and Mrs Susan McKen.


Electronic or hard copies of minutes from the meetings of the Teaching and Learning Committee are available upon request. Please contact the school office.

Small School's hub Attendance 24-25

Key for Non Attendees: B - Business Commitment  F - Family Commitment H - Holiday S - Sick U - Unspecified N/A - Not Applicable V - Virtual

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